A picture speaks a thousand words.
This is also true in the case of HTML newsletters. Studies show that recipients click significantly more frequently on images that are links than words that are links.
The use of suitable image elements helps to take the message being conveyed to a higher, emotional level. It may even be the first element of the newsletter to evoke interest in the newsletter content.
And the best thing is: with Newsletter2Go uploading images if free – no matter how many files you upload and how big they are.
The best file formats for images are: JPG, JPEG, PNG or GIF. BMP files are not recommended because they are not compromised and are therefore often too big. PNG and GIF have the additional advantage that you can give them a transparent background.
Furthermore, with GIF files it is also possible to include simple animations in the newsletter. Make sure you upload the file to the newsletter in exactly the right size. If an image is too small, it may appear pixelated in the newsletter.
In contrast, if you upload a file that is too big, it will take a long time to load on the recipient’s device, which is equally undesirable.