Hint: In Order to use the Salesforce CRM connection, you will need your own Newsletter2Go Account. If you don’t already have one, you can create your own account for free
1. Requirements
To ensure that the plugin can function properly, you must first check that certain fields are activated and are visible to the Salesforce user.
- Log in to your Salesforce account
- Open the settings by clicking on ‘Setup’ in the top right-hand corner.
- Go to ‘Build’ -> ‘Customise’ -> ‘Contacts-> ‘Fields’
- Here you will find the field ‘HasOptedOutOfEmail’ or ‘Email opt out’.
- Check the visibility of this field by clicking on the field label ‘No Emails‘.
- Then check the visibility in the overview of the user by clicking on ‘Show field access‘. Activate the visibility for your account type by clicking on the link next to the relevant user (e.g. system administrator).
- In order that the field is visible to the user, you need to ensure that the ‘visible’ box is checked in the new window that opens. By managing the permissions in the profile of the relevant user, you can ensure that the field will be visible for all relevant users. Now click ‘Save’. This field will then be visible on contact forms and for API requests.
2. Set up the connection
Open the following link to set up the connection to Newsletter2Go.
Link to open the Salesfore connection.
Log in with your Salesforce details.
You will then be asked to allow the required permissions for the connection to Newsletter2Go. Click on ‘allow’. The connection cannot be used without these permissions.
If this is successful you will be forwarded to a page on which your API key is shown. Note this down.
3. Establish the connection with Newsletter2Go
Now log in to your Newsletter2Go account and open this page: https://app.newsletter2go.ca/de/user/index/connect.
Select Salesforce from the list. Enter the API key you saved earlier in the window that opens. Click on ‘Test Integration’ to see whether it is successful.
After completing the test click on ‘Complete setup’. This will complete the process.