Thanks to our cooperation with CentralStationCRM, it is easy to copy contact details over to your Newsletter2Go address book. Just as with all other external applications, the connection to CentralStationCRM is established using a programming plug-in (API).
To activate the plug-in from your account and therefore to enable data importation, you need an API key (consisting of letters and numbers). You will find this in your CentralStationCRM account under ‘My settings’ > ‘Manage external applications (API)’.
You need to enter the key shown here in your Newsletter2Go account. Open your account, then go to ‘Settings’ –> ‘Plug-ins’ and scroll right down the bottom. Once you have entered the API key and saved it, you should find the option of ‘CRM Sync’ under ‘Recipients’ -> ‘Add recipients’.
Now you can import external contact information at any time from CentralStationCRM with just one click – either single recipients (Note: this is described as ‘Filter’ in Central StationCRM) or the entire address book. The imported contacts will then appear in your Newsletter2Go address book.
In future, in your CentralStationCRM account you will be shown which recipients opened a newsletter that was sent with our software and which links were clicked on.