All those active in online marketing should be aware of the fact that near on 100% of all internet users send and read emails, as a consequence of which they are contactable via this channel.
Email marketing guarantees that your campaigns will achieve the greatest coverage – by a long way. Furthermore, email newsletters offer you the advantage of being able to address your customers personally and instantly.
By using personalisations, it is also possible to offer your customers entirely relevant content without losing the economies of scale. With the combination of the broad scope and a high level of relevance, email newsletters succeed in creating an unbeatable relationship between input and output. In the marketing world this is described as ’Return on Investment’ (ROI).
Email is the online marketing instrument with the highest ROI. On top of that, email marketing offers you the possibility of measuring the success of your campaign immediately. Many other forms of online marketing do not have this capability.
You can quickly estimate the success of each individual campaign using comprehensive statistical evaluations and therefore target and eliminate weak areas.